Our Projects

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  • Delta Construction Logo

    Department Of Environmental Affairs

    D-Con undertook the construction of a buy-back centre in Garankuwa. 

  • House Smit

    House Smit

    D-Con undertook renovations of HOUSE SMIT which included the installation of a new kitchen and associated renovations.

  • House Hammer

    House Hammer

    Renovations of HOUSE HAMMER entailed the extension of the main bedroom and installation of a new en-suite bathroom, as well as retiling floors throughout the house.

  • D-con Project

    All Projects

    The detailed list of all our recent projects.

  • Menlo Mews

    Delta Realty – Menlo Mews

    D-Con was appointed by Delta Realty for the construction of Menlo Mews, a five-unit housing development in Menlo Park, Pretoria.

  • Delta Construction Logo

    Renovations at 5 Wilkinson Street

    D-Con was contracted to renovate an existing house which involved the addition of two bathrooms.

  • Menlo Pinnacles

    Delta Realty – Menlo Pinnacles

    D-Con was contracted by Delta Realty to construct a 10 unit block of flats including external pool, landscaping and green wall.

  • Doornkloof Nature Reserve

    Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve

    D-Con provided staff, equipment and expertise for the development of the Lekgalametse Nature reserve.

  • Doornkloof Nature Reserve

    Doornkloof Nature Reserve

    D-Con was appointed for the construction of various upgrades at Doornkloof Nature Reserve, and was responsible for the management of 450 construction employees.

  • Lamprecht House

    Lamprecht Renovations

    D-Con undertook renovations to House Lamprecht.